Striking a balance between work and your personal life can be challenging in today’s fast-paced society, but it is possible.
Remember the leap year?
Every leap year we are given an extra 24 hours. Can you remember what you did with the last extra day you were given? Probably not, yet there never seems to be enough time, right? There seems to be so much work to get done and not enough time to do it. Wrong! You have enough time, you just need to review what you are doing with it and how you are valuing it. If you ask most people why they work so hard, they will tell you that they do it to make money, but what good is money if you’re not living life? Isn’t that the point, to live life and do so with the people who matter to you? So, let’s get some perspective.
Firstly, you are not superhuman, no matter what you think you are capable of doing. You need to get balance. Balance is not a luxury, it’s a necessity! You need time to rest, time to play, and time to do absolutely nothing, if you are to function properly and be happy. When you work, give it your all and work smart, but take time to step back, relax and unwind.
Know When to Say ‘No’
Saying no is not a bad thing. When you feel overloaded with work or outside pressures say no to any extra demands. You can do so respectfully. You don’t need to be rude. For example, if someone asks you to take on another project and you know it will be too much for you or you simply don’t want to do it, you could decline by saying something like, “Thank you so much for thinking of me and I would love to help, but at this moment I couldn’t give you 100% as I have other committments. I feel you deserve 100% so I need to say no this time.” There are many ways to respectfully say no. but the point is committing to the no. It will keep your wellbeing intact and it will also allow people to see that you have healthy boundaries. Boundaries are essential to happiness and success.
Everyone knows that most people like to do a good job, but then there are some people who just want to do everyone else’s job well too. Are you one of those people? There’s a task and you think that unless you do it, it won’t get done properly or it won’t get done at all. Ask yourself this, relative to your happiness and the people who matter to you most, how important is it that you have to do everything and do it “perfectly”? Give other people the opportunity to do their bit and you do what you’re good at. Delegate. For example, if admin stresses you out, get a virtual assisant. If social media is mind boggling for you, get a social media expert to do it for you. If your role is a homemaker, ask for help, delegate chores, or avail of a laundrette service once a week, for example. There are really cost-effective ways to delegate the things that eat your time, so you can put your efforts into your strengths and have quality time for living.
Get organized
When you create some general structure in your day life runs more smoothly. Sometimes, little adjustments are enough to bring better structure into your day. For example,you could try using a scheduling platform such as Calendy that makes “finding time” a breeze. Meetings can be set up without you having to go back and forth. Another example would be to take time every Friday to plan ahead time blocks for the following week, so you’re clear about what you’re doing and not wasting time on Monday trying to figure it out as you go along, Another example is having a cancellation deposit penalty system in place, if you’re business is appointment based. If people pay a deposit on booking they will show up, meaning your diary is kept smooth and you get paid. Have a think about how you might restructure in small ways that makes life easier for you.
Mind your body and give it energy.
We all know that it’s important to get good nutrition but there are things that are particularly helpful in increasing energy, cognitive function and stamina. It would be worth your while looking into it more. In the meantime, here are a few things to get started:
- Eat! Never skip meals as it wil slam energy levels. It’s important to keep your blood sugar levels steady to avoid energy slumps. You can do this by eating little and often and drinking water throughout the day. Make sure to eat protein-rich foods like nuts or a protein shake.
- Eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 has been shown to enhance focus, concentration and mood significantly. You can read more here
- Maintain healthy magnesium levels. Magnesium is involved in practically every function in your body, including maintaing blood sugar levels and ensuring a healthy nervous system. Check with your healthcare provider if a supplement would be beneficial for you.
- Include berries as part of your fruit intake. They are rich in anti-oxidants and enhance wellbeing.
Set aside five to ten minutes in the morning and/or evening to take a break. In silence, simply close your eyes and breathe. Imagine yourself in a beautiful or calm place, that will help you relax and unwind easily. Gently, comfortably and slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth until you feel calm and at ease.
Get Outside
At the very least, fresh air makes you feel alive instantly. Include it in your day by taking a walk, going for a jog or sitting by the sea, for example. It is essential for vitamin D but it can hugely improve your ability to get clarity. You could also use your outside time to spend quality time with people who matter to you.
Have Fun!
Allow space in your life to laugh . Do it on purpose. In today’s world the message is often unless you’re busy you’re lazy. It is such a load of rubbish. You need fun time. Prioritise it. If you have kids, they crave it. If you have a partner, your relationship will excel. It will sometimes be spontaneous and you can plan ahead also, so you have things to look forward to. It makes everything meaningful. It could be going to the park, booking a show, going down a slide, skating, spalshing in the sea, watching a comedy etc. Whatever it is, enjoy it wholeheartedly!
You are here to live. Make sure you do.
And to help you further, here is a gift from me to you, Download it for FREE here: There are some things in it that will help move you forward with balance.
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