10 ways to emotionally declutter.

10 ways to emotionally declutter.

It can feel so liberating to emotionally declutter. Here are a few things to keep in mind. Stop doing things that make you feel bad about yourself: If getting involved in family drama, makes you feel bad about yourself, stop. If drinking makes you feel bad about...

How to get work-life balance.

How to get work-life balance.

Striking a balance between work and your personal life can be challenging in today’s fast-paced society, but it is possible.  Remember the leap year? Every leap year we are given an extra 24 hours. Can you remember what you did with the last extra day you were given?...

How to Deal with Stress

How to Deal with Stress

When you meet obstacles in life it’s easy (and understandable) to feel small by comparison. You know that feeling where a problem can seem so big and daunting that it feels like it could consume you at any moment? If that is you, STOP! You are NOT your story. It is...

30 Quick Hacks to Enhance Mood and Energy

30 Quick Hacks to Enhance Mood and Energy

Below are thirty things you can do to enhance your mood and energy. You could do one a day for the next month or do several together. Self-care. Put on your own air mask first. The truth is you are no good to anyone unless you take care of yourself first. Give...

How Omega-3 benefits your mind and body

How Omega-3 benefits your mind and body

What are omega-3 fatty acids? In simple terms, omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats are needed to help all the cells in your body function. There are three types: ·EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA is a “marine omega-3” because it’s found in fish. DHA (docosahexaenoic...

The importance of purpose.

The importance of purpose.

Research shows that having a strong sense of purpose can significantly benefit your health and promote longevity. Here’s the rather shocking evidence before I give you some tips about how you can maintain purpose. Randy Cohen, a medical director of University Medical...